About redefines job searching by leveraging community referrals to connect users with potential employers. It focuses on remote work and diverse company cultures, helping users earn while they network. With easy onboarding and seamless navigation, empowers talents to find jobs they love and earn meaningful referrals effortlessly. offers a no-cost model where users can begin without fees, earning 10-36% from successful job placements. Users can upgrade to access advanced features such as enhanced visibility or referral tracking. This tiered approach ensures everyone finds substantial value, whether they’re casual users or dedicated job seekers. features a user-friendly interface that streamlines the job search process. Its clean layout highlights job matches, recommendations, and personalized dashboards for quick access. The straightforward navigation allows users to focus on networking and referrals, enhancing the overall experience while ensuring efficient job hunting.
How works
Users start by creating an account on, uploading their CV to generate a compelling profile. After onboarding, they can invite friends to engage with the platform and benefit from a community-driven job-matching system. Users can browse available jobs, review community votes, and effortlessly connect with recruiters, all while earning referral bonuses when their networks find positions.
Key Features for
Community-driven referrals's unique community-driven referral system allows users to tap into their networks for job opportunities. This feature increases the chances of being hired, streamlines the job search process, and encourages users to connect with others, resulting in higher engagement and greater earning potential from successful placements.
Seamless profile setup
The seamless profile setup on allows users to quickly upload their CVs and highlight their skills. This streamlined process not only enhances visibility among recruiters but also positions users to receive tailored job matches, optimizing their job search and increasing their chances of successful employment.
Referral bonuses offers referral bonuses that incentivize users to assist friends in finding jobs. When referred candidates successfully secure a position, users can earn up to 97% of placement fees. This feature not only fosters community support but also transforms job searching into a financially rewarding experience for users.
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