About GPTZero
GPTZero is an innovative AI detection tool designed for educators, students, and professionals. It accurately identifies AI-generated text, promoting academic integrity and originality. Users simply paste text or upload files to determine authorship with intuitive visual feedback, ensuring reliable results.
GPTZero offers flexible pricing plans, including a free basic tier for 10,000 words per month. The Essential plan provides 150,000 words for $99.96 annually, while the Premium plan offers comprehensive features for $155.88 annually, supporting up to 300,000 words, ideal for intensive users.
GPTZero features a user-friendly interface that enhances the detection process. The layout is intuitive, allowing users to quickly access their reports and explore in-depth insights. With clear visual highlights and seamless navigation, GPTZero ensures an efficient and effective experience for all users.
How GPTZero works
Users begin by creating a free account on GPTZero. They can either input their text directly or upload files for analysis. The platform processes the input using advanced algorithms, providing comprehensive feedback on AI-generated content. GPTZero presents results with highlighted sections and detailed statistics, enabling users to assess writing authenticity efficiently.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
The Advanced AI Scan feature of GPTZero employs cutting-edge detection technology to analyze text for AI-generated content. This unique capability offers users detailed insights into writing authenticity and highlights sentences where AI presence is detected, ensuring confidence in content originality.
AI Vocabulary Tracker
GPTZero’s AI Vocabulary Tracker identifies overused terms by major AI models, helping users refine their writing style. This feature enhances originality by allowing writers to adapt their language and create distinctly human narratives, setting their work apart in an increasingly automated landscape.
Plagiarism Checker
The Plagiarism Checker feature of GPTZero effectively detects unoriginal content by comparing submissions against external sources. This capability ensures academic integrity and helps users maintain authenticity in their writing, particularly crucial for educators and students concerned about originality in their submissions.